With very fortunate timing this year's SIR Picnic was held before the record-breaking heat wave we've been experiencing! A lovely day, good food, and great company and conversation were all that was needed for a wonderful time. A total of 57 SIR and guests participated.
The vittles included the highly anticipated tri-tip and chicken, and brats BBQ'ed by Tom Birley, Bob Byers, and Bud Collinson. Wally Anderson, Jim Hohenshelt, and Jeff Bautista helped the chefs in early morning preparation. It was rounded out with corn, beans, potato salad, garlic bread and various munchies beforehand. Followed by desserts and even ice cream, t'was a hearty feast. Raffle prizes included beautiful orchids and houseplants.
Because the Picnic is held at lovely Ortega Park, there were many children at day camp cavorting in the water feature and making new friends with many others on swings and climbing equipment. What fun to see them so exuberant and carefree at the beginning of summer! Easy to take ourselves back in our memories to those days in our own lives!
So, next year in June, let's all gather again and make new memories with great friends over another Picnic feast!
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